You didn’t have to leave Melbourne to Meet Japan!

In the heart of South Melbourne on the bright, winter’s Thursday afternoon of August 23rd 2018 Made in Japan – a direct-connection supply store that specialises in ceramics, tableware and house items made by small family-run businesses – was filled to the brim with an excited crowd; which included off-the-street interested persons, family, friends, old work colleagues, all gathered to launch the unique and one-of-a-kind book by first-time author John Urquhart, Meet Japan.

With audience packed close and microphone at the ready to reach the furthest-back John Urquhart opened the launch with a snippet of koto, shakuhachi and bagpipes from a well-loved CD of the Tokyo Piping Society, of which John had help form and then later lead. With heart and laughs he introduced the crowd to what inspired and drove the creation and writing of Meet Japan, the rich history and personal adventure of his then young-family moving to Japan in the 1970s as per John’s work with Borthwick’s and Sons to introduce beef to the Japanese diet – but their adventure was to be more than just work-centric and instead is chronicled in Meet Japan what was to be a once-in-a-lifetime introduction to Japan by John and his wife Lois, with their young children, as Gaijin (foreigners) long before tourism and travel was common from English-speaking nations to Japan. Invited to speak and formally launch the book was an old friend and currently Austrade’s Assistant General Manager Catherine Taylor.

Author John Urquhart and Brolga Publishing’s Company Director Mark Zocchi share the stage as the launch speeches were about to begin

John Urquhart and Catherine Taylor (Austrade’s Assistant General Manager) share a smile and a laugh












If you would like to purchase your own copy of the book (or two? With Christmas right around the corner why not give the gift of a great story?) you can purchase directly from the author on his website’s store or by emailing and not to mention Meet Japan is available in all good bookstores now!

To keep up and find out more about Meet Japan you can check out the website:

Made in Japan’s packed store floor moments before the audience was to gather and witness the launch for ‘Meet Japan’

John Urquhart addressing the crowd, featuring pride-of-place John’s late-wife (and co-author in spirit) Lois’ beautiful hand-painted screen of Lake Nojiri

We would love to also thank Jack and the staff of Made In Japan for being so accommodating in having us come in and launch a fantastic book in such an authentic and interesting venue. If you haven’t yet, do visit any one of their locations:
South Melbourne 1-7 Wynyard Street South Melbourne
Mornington 30 Watt Road Mornington
Queen Victoria Market Container 11, Stringbean Alley Melbourne

ISBN: 9780648242673

Meet Japan, Meet John Urquhart on ABC Radio Western Victoria!

Not even on shelves yet and already on the waves, John Urquhart will be sitting down tomorrow morning with the bright and bubbly Jo Printz from 10am tomorrow on ABC Western Victoria 91.7FM (Program: Mornings with Jo Printz) to chat about his outstanding memoir, Meet Japan.

Meet Japan is his first book and explores the heart and culture of Japan through a selection of letters written between 1974 – 85, written by John and his late wife Lois after their young family was assigned to live in Japan in the 1970s for John’s work with Borthwick and Sons to market meat – which until then had never been part of the local diet. Meet Japan does not centre on John’s work however, it goes so much deeper with sincerity, heart and respect to share and recount the beauty of Japan, the local customs and to tell the story of how two people and their young family came to experience Japan all their own.

If you would like to tune in but cannot pick up this signal/prefer to listen digitally their interview will be streamed live on Radio ABC Western Vic Live


Fancy a haircut next to a lady having her face shaved?
What about a young lady escorting a family through a bath-house full of naked old men?
Or shopping at the green grocer’s, with the basket-style till dangling from the ceiling?

Welcome to living in Japan where unexpected joys and revelations are just around the next corner. Inspired by a selection of letters written between 1974-85, Meet Japan is a journey of enlightenment as seen through the eyes of John and Lois Urquhart. Their Japan was in the mountains, valleys, villages, back streets and everyday hustle and bustle of ordinary people. Meet Japan gives an insight into the country’s deeply spiritual relationship with nature, its beauty, the evolution of its ‘food life’ and culture, and explores the soul of this fascinating country.

To experience Meet Japan for yourself you’re in luck as it launches later this month!
To follow ABC Western Victoria, please check out their Facebook, Website or their Live Streaming Services.

ISBN: 9780648242673

Dr Ian Gawler and the battle of Willpower

“For many of us, the conditioning of past experiences, the conditioning stored in our memory as images, limits the capacity of our mind. For many of us, to actively work on training our mind and reprogramming our mind is therefore a key step in freeing us from past limitations and opening us to future possibilities. Clearly, it is the mind that changes everything…” – Excerpt from The Mind that Changes Everything, written by Dr Ian Gawler (first printed in 2011 by Brolga Publishing)

The invaluable writings of Dr Ian Gawler in The Mind that Changes Everything are based on modern research and current studies and it’s aim is to inspire, energise and inform one’s own mind’s potential. He is an authority on how this can be achieved with his many qualifications and the real-world application of his own practices during his remarkable recovery from cancer several years ago.

If you would like to learn more you can follow Dr Ian Gawler on his website –, where you can then read his latest blog and all previous blog posts.

His next presentations are:
Medicine of the Mind
Date: Friday 24th August
Time: 6.45 – 9.30pm
Further details/Booking

Health, Healing and Wellbeing – Seeking to use the Power of the Mind
Date: Saturday 25th August
Time: 1.30 – 4.30pm
Further Details/Booking

You can purchase The Mind that Changed Everything from all good bookstores or order directly by contacting
ISBN: 9781925367256

Mal Walden author talk @ Nunawading Library – August 8th, 2018.

On a brisk August Wednesday afternoon to a packed library in the heart of the South Eastern Suburb of Nunawading, Mal Walden was the focus of captivated audience as he spoke of his 60 year career as Australia’s longest-serving news presenter, his experiences in radio and television journalism and two current titles, The News Man (Brolga Publishing, 2016) and Good News! (Brolga Publishing, 2017).


If you would like to keep up with Whitehorse Manningham Libraries, jump on their website or follow them on Facebook.

The News Man: 9781925367492
Good News: 9781925367928