Kicking it out of the Park! Phil Carman interviewed at Chelsea Library by Paul Kennedy

One of the most brilliant (and controversial) Australian footballers of all time, Phil Carman, took some time out of his busy schedule to stop by Chelsea library and have a chat with ABCs Paul Kennedy about his book – Fabulous Phil (Brolga Publishing, 2017) – and his awe-inspiring career spanning across the late 70s and into the 80s through SANFL’s Norwood and then into VFLs Collingwood, Melbourne, Essendon, and North Melbourne to discuss what he’s up since his retirement from playing and coaching in 2001.

Paul Kennedy (left) and Phil Carman (right) @ Chelsea Library

Spotted in Readings Carlton – Good News! by Mal Walden

We always appreciate finding our authors’ books in bookstores and awed that we often seen the books and the hard work of the authors being appreciated, turned over in the hands of to-be readers – we’ve recently become aware that Good News! by Mal Walden (Australia’s longest serving news presenter and author of The News Man – Sixty Years of Television) is pride of place in the front window of the award-winning Readings Bookshop located in Carlton, Victoria.

If you haven’t snapped up your copy of Mal Walden’s latest book, it is available at all good bookshops or can be ordered directly by contacting
ISBN: 9781925367928