Brolga Publishing’s Guarantee

All Brolga Publishing’s Authors are guaranteed the following:

Book titles will be represented by Brolga Publishing at National and International sales venues/channels to ensure that sales are generated and Authors will receive a royalty on sales. These sales and royalties are specifically generated by:

  • National book sales, marketing and distribution through Simon & Schuster
    Pty Ltd throughout Australia and New Zealand with Brolga Publishing’s
    contracted book trade distributor. Their customers include chain book
    stores, independent book stores, department stores, discount stores,
    and online booksellers
  • International sales representation, including the International Frankfurter Buchmesse/Frankfurt Book Fair (the largest foreign rights fair in the world)
    and other international trade book fairs
  • Direct sales and marketing presentations outside of the traditional
    general book trade
  • Registering authors with Public Lending Rights Schemes such as: PLR,
    ELR and CAL
  • E-book conversion and uploaded to e-book sellers such as Amazon/Kindle,
    Google, Kobo etc.
  • All books are presented to our UK and US distributors, our SE Asia agent
    and European agents for potential representation in those market places

Brolga Publishing will professionally produce a book to trade standards.

Brolga Publishing supports Authors in their sales of Author copies by providing a list of promotions that is additional to Brolga’s established sales and marketing.

We also support and encourage Authors to celebrate their book with a launch event.
We can provide information for how to run a successful event on request.

Brolga Publishing’s distributors represent Brolga titles to the trade through their sales and marketing teams, telemarketing, trade catalogues and direct mail. This is to provide the title with the best possible support for representation into the book marketplace.

All Brolga Publishing Titles are presented to our United Kingdom and
North American Distributors and SE Asia Agents and European Agents
for the purpose of selling titles in those markets.

All Brolga Publishing titles are subject to a general publicity distribution.


A major advantage for you as a Brolga Author is our contracted National Distributor, Simon & Schuster Pty Ltd, one of the country’s largest book distributors. Brolga also presents your title to USA and UK distributors as well as international rights fairs.


  • Sales representation to bookshops, chain store buyers, key account representation
  • Sales presentations of your book to niche market places
  • Colour, and black and white catalogue representation in the month of release
  • Customer service mailing to non-book accounts
  • Catalogue distribution to general media outlets
  • Your title featured on the Brolga web site
  • Our distributors provide all major online retailers with Brolga title information
  • Representation in Brolga’s colour catalogue, which is featured in selected book shops and distributed to direct marketers and mail out lists

Brolga Publishing provides Authors with a list of activities
to help create a successful sales and marketing plan that
suits individual needs. This is additional to Brolga’s
sales and marketing process.

These Author activities include:

  • An Author/Book launch
    (This has proved to be a most successful way for authors
    to sell and promote their author copies and celebrate the
    publication of their book)
  • Book Selling Fact Sheet
  • Public Talk and Seminar Fact Sheet
  • Publicity Fact Sheet
  • Networking Fact Sheet
  • Web and Digital Fact Sheet