The News Man – Sixty Years of Television
Mal Walden (October 2016 release)

This is the story behind the stories we think we know…

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The News Man offers a personal look at the public face of news by one of the most well-loved and respected news presenters of our time…
















Mal Walden was 17 years of age when he applied for his first job in media. At age 70, he gracefully crossed the finishing line to be recognised as the longest serving newsman on Australian television.

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Each year Walden maintained a journal in which he recorded his personal life-changing moments woven through some of the biggest headlines of our times. Today they form a record – not only of his life as a newsman – but an evolution of television news now in its sixtieth year and facing what many proclaim is the imminent ‘death of news’ in all its traditional forms.

Watch this space!

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