John Ramsland is a veteran non-fiction writer, specializing in subjects varying from historical accounts of Aboriginal peoples’ lives, Australian childhood, WW1, beach culture of Australia and colonial/post colonial child-saving actions. To date he has 24 books [including popular titles such as Remembering Aboriginal Heroes – Struggle, Identity and the Media (2006), Venturing into No Man’s Land – the charmed life of Joseph Maxwell VC (2012) and Flying into Danger – the story of Paul Brickhill RAAF (2017)], over 100 papers, articles, book chapters and reviews under his belt. More recently John Ramsland has honed his writing skills to bring to bookshelves the stories and lived experiences of men at war – of which his latest release features the life and tales of Douglas Grant, explored with incredible attention to detail, historical accuracy, careful annotation and vibrant references in The Legacy of Douglas Grant – A Notable Aborigine in War and Peace.This exciting new title was launched surrounded by friends, family and established audience in the heart of Newcastle, NSW this week.

If you are interested in picking up a copy of The Legacy of Douglas Grant – A Notable Aborigine in War and Peace you can find this in all good bookshops or by contacting Mark Zocchi on
If you are interested in any of John Ramsland’s earlier catalogue select titles may still be available in store, if not you are welcome to contact Mark Zocchi on the above email and we’ll see about organising a title for you.
ISBN: 9780987639080