Alan and Janette. Credit: http://rawveganpath.com/about-us/
First, they came for the world record, now they’re bringing us an exciting and enlightening documentary which details their World Record setting 366 consecutive marathons (while both in their 60’s no less) around Australia and not only covering 15,782kms but also doing it on a raw vegan diet.
RAW The Documentary (based from the popular book ‘Raw Can Cure” by Janette Murray-Wakelin. Brolga Publighing + first published in 2013) sets out to shatter some misconceptions of what one can achieve eating a raw vegan diet. It explores the lives of Janette and Alan as they began to consider the benefits of a raw diet after Janette was diagnosed with cancer and given 6 months to live. Now years on and in their 60’s and healthy as a direct result of their fitness and commitment to ethical diets they want to share the amazing feats they have completed and the experiences along the way – which include the beauty of family, the love they have shared for over 30 years, a lifetime of fitness, the marathons in the great Australian nature encountering cyclones, torrential rain and 44+ degree weather. RAW The Documentary stands to be an informative resource for our awareness of the possibilities achievable on a raw vegan diet and the larger comments on the betterment of the environment, water sources and the considerations of all the species on this planet.
Comics Lounge | 26 Errol Street, North Melbourne
Sunday 19th of February, 2017 | 6pm – 10:30pm
- Screening of RAW The Documentary
- Live Q&A With Janette and Alan
- Quest Speaker Philip Wollen OAM
- Entertainment by Stinky Picnic
- Books and DVDs available for purchase
- No Age Restriction
- Free Parking & Public Transport (#57-Stop 11 Nth Melbourne)
- More information about RAW The Documentary, Janette and Alan can be found on: http://rawveganpath.com/