A Journey around the World, a true lifetime of Adventure…

There is no slowing down for Ben Lochtenberg, even in retirement. His hard work and interest in his family history has culminated in the engrossing autobiography, A Boy on the Last Boat which he launched on Thursday, 18th of November at the award-winning venue of Avenue Bookstore (Swan Street, Richmond). Ben spoke of his life, the motivation for putting his story to paper, this includes the sorrow of his father’s passing as a Japanese POW, the joy of meeting his wife, Margaret (This year they celebrated their 60th marriage anniversary) and the journey of their growing family and their travels that spanned the entire globe.


His book is meticulously researched; with Ben and Margaret even traveling to find the final resting place of his father who has such a profound effect on the small boy, aged just ten years old, that escaped on the last boat out of Java as the Japanese befell the island as part of the Pacific War in South-East Asia.

ISBN:  9781925367416
If you are interested in purchasing a copy, A Boy on the Last Boat is available for purchase in all good bookstores or can be ordered via Brolga Publishing directly by contacting markzocchi@brolgapublishing.com.au.

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